instructional material

美 [ɪnˈstrʌkʃənl məˈtɪriəl]英 [ɪnˈstrʌkʃənl məˈtɪəriəl]
  • 教学资料
instructional materialinstructional material
  1. Designing Principles of the Instructional Material to Reduce the Learners ' Cognitive Load


  2. Educational television : an often closed-circuit video system that provides instructional material .


  3. A.CAI becomes an alternative or a supplement to the traditional instruction and enriches instructional material .


  4. If you are a regular reader of instructional material , you might think that you need to have lots of practice drills and a complicated or intricate system to win games .


  5. Modernization of the contractual relationship includes not only conversion of instructional rules but also material regulations , for instance , system of master , content and interpretation .


  6. 2,311 valid and returned questionnaires were received and the items of questionnaires included eight dimensions : technical support , instructional design , course material design , website design , flexibility , student-student interaction , teacher support , and assessment .


  7. It is very important for development of modern distance education , e-learning that improvement of distance instructional environment and construction of instructional material base , high quality , high efficiency web course to meet individual demand .
